Morning Service - 11:00am to 12:15pm
Informal Evening Fellowship - 6:30pm to 7:30pm

Devotions may contain personal, congregational or speaker-led prayers, bible readings, the communal singing (optional) of hymns and songs from hand-held books, ‘live’ music group accompaniment, messages of faith by a preacher/speaker and (optional) shared testimonies.

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Informal refreshments are freely available at the end of each morning service and before evening fellowship so that people are free to chat. A quiet room is available for anyone who would like a moment on their own or to spend time in private prayer or, if they so wish, ask for a church leader to pray with them before they leave.

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Devotions at home or in the workplace

Away from church, you are welcome to listen to a selection of our pulpit addresses, messages, meditations and prayers or join in with our music video hymns, songs and carols.
Just click on any of these links.

Prayer meetings, bible studies, social events and fellowship activities will all resume once once it is safe to do so.

Our online services and devotions are available right where you are …on phones, tablets, computers and laptops.

Our online services and devotions are available right where you are …on phones, tablets, computers and laptops.

Our From The Pulpit and Listen & Watch pages offer a range of full services, worship materials, songs, hymns, prayers, preacher’s messages and bible readings. Join in wherever you are on laptop, computer, tablet or mobile phone.

If you have concerns for the physical, spiritual or mental health of family and friends, name them in prayer to God. During this difficult and sometimes desperate period of enforced separation or self isolation, you can still contact Long Lane Independent Methodist Church here via this website.

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Our usual patterns of regular worship and fellowship are shown below.
Just click on an area of interest for more detailed information about the things God has asked us to provide.



Long Lane Independent Methodist Church


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Help us to gain a deeper understanding of the holy bible and to show God’s love in the world.

I came to seek and save the least, the last and the lost.

I came to seek and save the least, the last and the lost.

Please feel free to come and join us in any of our missions, activities, events and services.

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We are open for devotions from 11:00am to 12 noon.

FEEL FREE TO MAKE JUST a brief visit or, If you prefer,
stay awhile TO SHARE IN SOME fellowship AND REFRESHMENTS.

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Long Lane I M Church Services

Our regular weekly services are open to all. We’d be delighted to see you.

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Prayers can be shared in our Quiet Room after the service...

Prayers can be shared in our Quiet Room after the service...

After our morning worship, refreshments are served in the church so that people can move around informally or sit and chat to get to know one another, perhaps talk about the service or discuss issues that affect them and their families.

There are always opportunities to pray with those who seek support, comfort and reassurance.

A separate QUIET ROOM is available for anyone who would like privacy.

Prayers can be shared here with a friend or someone from the church. It also offers a place for quiet reflection. well as quiet reflection or a private chat with a friend. well as quiet reflection or a private chat with a friend.

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“Do people have set places?”

“Do I need to bring anything?”

"Does everyone have to sing?”

"How long does a service last?”

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click for ACTIVITIES details...

click for ACTIVITIES details...

Many of our outreach activities are held in our additional fellowship rooms and church hall, which offer meeting spaces and further full kitchen facilities.

Many of our outreach activities are held in our additional fellowship rooms and church hall, which offer meeting spaces and further full kitchen facilities.

click for EVENTS details...

click for EVENTS details...

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We meet for our Fellowship Hour each Sunday evening to share a more informal time together that can include a variety of

Prayer Time

Bible Study

Message and Discussion

Audio & Video Help

Music and Song

Thought for the Day

Long Lane Independent Methodist Church

Free to all.  Do come and join us.  Use the church entrance.

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Bible quote for January 2025...

16-17 Because of this decision we don’t evaluate people by what they have or how they look. We looked at the Messiah that way once and got it all wrong, as you know. We certainly don’t look at him that way anymore. Now we look inside, and what we see is that anyone united with the Messiah gets a fresh start, is created new. The old life is gone; a new life emerges! Look at it! All this comes from the God who settled the relationship between us and him, and then called us to settle our relationships with each other. God put the world square with himself through the Messiah, giving the world a fresh start by offering forgiveness of sins. God has given us the task of telling everyone what he is doing.
— 2 Corinthians, chapter 5: vs. 16 & 17 (The Message)


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Prayers are being answered all the time and we welcome both new and continuing requests for prayers in all situations.

we offer prayers for the healing, comfort, revival and renewal of all people, of our families, our neighbours and the nations.

You are most welcome to come and pray with us.

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For further details of Long Lane I. M. Church’s provision during the current health crisis, click here.


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